EOSIO Weekly Live on New Years Eve!?! Bring on 2021!!

Jimmy D
7 min readDec 31, 2020


Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of EOSIO Weekly where Corey and Jimmy D change it up from week to week, but always without fail, bring you the nitty gritty happening within the broader EOSIO and broader Bitcoin and crypto spaces.

As we wait for the clock to strike 12 and bring in the dawn of the 2021 New Year - cause it will happen for at least one of us - we will hopefully not get too far off track as per usual and get through the majority of excitement that is happening both within our back yards and the space at large. As always though, just have a gander below to see all the stories we came up with that may or may not get featured directly in this weeks update.

Featured News


The Best Educational Rants of the Week on Twitter

The thread in its entirety at https://twitter.com/danheld/status/1342878164926799873?s=20
Read the entire thread at https://twitter.com/stauffelbaker/status/1344190667808002049?s=20
Follow along at https://twitter.com/rektkid_/status/1344420736841166851?s=20

Featured Throwback Educational Content from Jimmy D

What are private keys, why are they important, and what are some things that you can do and utilize to ensure the best possible safety of your Bitcoin funds?!? Learn more in The Importance of Learning How to Create Bitcoin Wallet Private & Public Keys.

Last Week on Chirpcast with Corey Cotterell

Communities, gaming, NFTs, and camaraderie is becoming a thing in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and it might not be something that you want to let pass you by.


Uplift.Art & The Uplift End of Year Update

If you haven’t already done so check out this short piece compiled relaying the origins and journey of Uplift.Art for the last year or so, including all the things that we have released and worked hard to develop in order to bring you the best collectibles we could envision with this pioneering genre of music, art, and NFT’s for the purpose of philanthropy.


#TheMintSprint & Other Burnable Mechanics: On two occasions Uplift.Art has implemented burning mechanics in fact, those that wished to do so were able to burn assets and get something in return. The gamification aspects allowing for the burning of certain Uplift.Art assets are still active, so if you still want to participate you can do so by following the links of the two series below.

For ‘I’m Not the Bubble’ Series One, you can burn 10 assets from the same rarity to upgrade to one from a higher level rarity, or a whole set of 25 from the same rarity to receive a collector edition full length music video NFT in return. Simply head on over to https://wax.atomichub.io/drops/upliftart to participate.

A second upgrade mechanic has also been enabled whereby any 5 assets from the community crates can be burned to be upgraded to another NFT featured video, Mr. Spaceman. For those wanting to participate, this can be done at https://uplift.art/burn/mr-spaceman-2020/ And finally, for those holding either the ‘I’m Not the Bubble’ Collectors editions or the Mr. Spaceman full music video NFT’s in their wallet, these act as a key to enable the download of the MP3 file which can be played on any regular device of your choosing. Simply head on over to https://uplift.art/claim/ and sign in with the account holding your music video NFT’s to get access.

As an end of the year bonus, the top three mints for each collectors edition of the ‘I’m Not the Bubble’ Series One holders will receive a special NFT drop to your wallets. So any of you holding these assets be sure to be on the lookout for that.

If you have not checked out the new Bitcoin Anthem featuring EOSIO Weekly’s very own Corey Cottrell jump on into I’m Not The Bubble V2 Extended #Bitcoin Anthem: A Special Edition Music Video on the Blockchain from UpliftArt to have a listen and learn more about all that went on with this event.

If you have not checked out the new Bitcoin Anthem, jump on into I’m Not The Bubble V2 Extended #Bitcoin Anthem: A Special Edition Music Video on the Blockchain from UpliftArt to learn more.

Mr. Spaceman 24 Hour Auction: January 15th, 2021 will signify the next event per se for the Uplift.Art music video NFT’s. This time it will be in the form of an auction lasting 24 hours. Although more detailed information will be dropped closer to the date, a brief outline is as follows. Every 2 hours for the 24 hour period a new sliver of the Mr. Spaceman NFT will go on auction. The objective will be to collect all 12 and then these will once again be able to be redeemed for a special edition full length music video NFT. Proceeds for this event will go towards building a school in Haiti.

As noted in the piece featured above, with all of your help Uplift.Art was able to send just over $30,000 US to Haitian Roots in time for the holiday season in an effort to help alleviate some of the turmoil caused by the latest global pandemic. We cannot thank everyone that aided in this mission enough, as it meant that many children that otherwise may have gone hungry have had the opportunity to get some nourishment which will greatly aid them in their studies. For your kindness and caring, Uplift.Art salutes you.

‘The Uplift’ About to Lite It Up: Finally, some of you may be aware that a new project that Uplift.Art is embarking on is ‘The Uplift’ community in-game experience. We will be rolling out quite a few details in the coming weeks and months better highlighting what is happening in this roll out process, however in the meantime there are a couple things those interested in learning more can engage with.

Showcasing the cathedral, a place where people from the community can etch something they are thankful for into the wall, Corey Cottrell and mBlu did a recent live video to introduce ‘The Uplift’. Check out this Christmas Day Surprise Gratitude Ceremony if you haven’t already done so.

And on a final note concerning ‘The Uplift’, there will be another live-streamed event happening on January 5th that should be pretty cool. The event will entail a trip to a new giant statue and one member of the crew lighting it up for an extravaganza never before witnessed online. All are welcome to join us for this live streaming and get another glimpse behind the curtain of what is happening inside ‘The Uplift’ check out the videos below.


EOSIO Weekly

And don’t forget, every week you can interact with EOSIO Weekly on Chirp at https://chirp.la/channels/EOSIOweekly by dropping news stories you think worthy of coverage and a chance for some sweet Chirp Tips and other goodness depending upon the time and our mood.

Check out some of our past episodes: Live on Christmas Eve?!? You Know It Baby!!, Featuring Special Guest Host mBluCrypto of Uplift.Art, Featuring Ricardo Schiller of BlockBase, Featuring Danny of Dark Country, Featuring Adrian Krion of Wombat, Featuring WAX NFT Guru Anders Bjork of Anyobservation, Featuring John Heeter of Boid.com, Featuring Jacques Whales of Discussions App, Featuring mBlu Crypto of Uplift.art, and of course where it all began with Episode One.

Thank you all for tuning in and the amazing support received in 2020. We shall be back next week for the first episode of 2021 as we continue on the path towards perfection in our relay of the key news and issues to fine tune in the EOS and EOSIO spaces.

