EOSIO Weekly Live on Christmas Eve?!? You Know It Baby!!

Jimmy D
6 min readDec 24, 2020
*Cover Image Santa credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/78039006014548286/

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of EOSIO Weekly where Corey and Jimmy D sometimes look at the news floating around the EOSIO space and sometimes don’t. You see, as we learned so long ago, it really is the creativity of it all that keeps life interesting and worth living. Or maybe that is just something musicians, poets, and writers tell themselves when they try to create a structured live space to bring about a Renaissance in blockchain, crypto, and specifically, EOSIO education.

In all seriousness though, there is so much to go through this week that we are just gonna treat this one like Christmas and unwrap them as they come as we roll with the ebb and flow of it all. It’s crazy times in the land of blockchain and crypto we all presently reside, and there is a lengthy list of those projects on both sides of the naughty and nice divide. And don’t forget, if you are willing and able catch us live, there are likely some surprises in store — and by likely we mean with complete and absolute certainly ;D

Featured News

Rubic, the DeFi multichain p2p platform enabling instant swaps, trades, and revenue share and generation is hosting a content competition on Trybe.One. 17,500 RBC in prizes up for grabs!! Read all about it here.

And with TRYBE being one of the tokens supported for interacting on Chirp, don’t forget to also post a link to your article in the Trybe Chirp channel.

🚀🚀BIG MISSION!!🚀🚀 Create a quickstart guide for Chirp that runs from logging in to earning your first cryptocurrency reward! Every submission that covers the basics will get 500 coins. The BEST submission will get 2000 COINS + 1Million SHipple + 10,000 DUST (https://chirp.la/posts/IKK5XuRiHN25Ulg59VDE)

Chintai Tokenized Real Estate: https://chintaieos.medium.com/tokenized-real-estate-on-eos-d5562d2f8fe9

Bitcoin Comes to Wombat: https://medium.com/wombat/bitcoin-comes-to-wombat-b4e870d5bb84

EOSX: The One Stop EOS DeFi Portal

EOSX.io is an all-in-one block explorer and wallet allowing users to explore and search the EOS and other EOSIO blockchains for transactions, accounts, tokens, prices, as well as vote, create accounts, manage proxies, buy and sell RAM, and more.” The latest update even includes a virtually no risk way to gain exposure to the profits being made with flash loans, even for those that are merely staking EOS into the system. For the complete overview and mini tutorial have a read through the EOS Go post post below.


EOS Nation Releases the NFT Release Calendar

“As any WAX NFT fan will know, last week was jammed packed with NFT releases and we don’t expect this trend to slow down anytime soon! To help the NFT community better stay on top of all these exciting releases, we have put together an NFT Release Calendar that allows users to quickly see which release is coming up next. There are links to relevant websites and social media channels and we’ve even included an “add to calendar” button for those releases you absolutely don’t want to miss!” [https://eosnation.io/eos-hot-sauce-86/]

EOS Go Releases an NFT Trading Card Series

Pretty cool gamification aspect behind the new EOS Go Cards, A New WAX NFTs Collection just hit the market this week. Various levels of NFTs are available and then for the next month there are drops in line with the properties of those NFT’s. When the month is over and all NFTs have been dropped it begins anew with another series. And what’s more, it helps in the support of EOS Go which does a pretty great job at keeping those interested in EOSIO up to speed through their news stories, blog, weekly updates, and market caps, as well as doing their best to keep a bridge between the East and the West.

EOSIO This Week on Twitter

Greatest Tweet threads of the week — and of course we recognize that the greatness is everything to do with the interactions to these Tweets as much as it does with the Tweets themselves.


Uplift.Art December 23rd Mr. Spaceman Burn Instructions & Updates

Uplift Moon Day has officially commenced. Check out the post below for instructions on how to participate in this once in a lifetime opportunity from your friends over at Uplift.Art. And don’t forget, to best stay up to date on all that is up and coming follow us on Twitter and hop on into our official telegram for some communicative fun along the way.

Also, be sure to check out this great piece by mBlu Crypto and Claudia of Uplift.Art for the low down on how NFT’s have the ability to empower artists.

This Week on Chirpcast with Corey Cotterell

AlienWorlds Walkthrough with AnyObservation and Michael of EOSUSA

R Planet with Roman of Crypto Lions

HODLGOD Just Dropped with Marc of Onessus

Featured Educational Content from Jimmy D

Bitcoin: How It Works!?!: Read the article for the full scoop on all that Bitcoin has to offer.

EOSIO Weekly

And don’t forget, every week you can interact with EOSIO Weekly on Chirp at https://chirp.la/channels/EOSIOweekly by dropping news stories you think worthy of coverage and a chance for some sweet Chirp Tips and other goodness depending upon the time and our mood.

Check out some of our past episodes: Featuring Special Guest Host mBluCrypto of Uplift.Art, Featuring Ricardo Schiller of BlockBase, Featuring Danny of Dark Country, Featuring Adrian Krion of Wombat, Featuring WAX NFT Guru Anders Bjork of Anyobservation, Featuring John Heeter of Boid.com, Featuring Jacques Whales of Discussions App, Featuring mBlu Crypto of Uplift.art, and of course where it all began with Episode One.

Don’t forget to tune in next week as we continue on the path towards perfection in our relay of the key news and issues to fine tune in the EOS and EOSIO space.

