EOSIO Weekly Update w/ Corey Cottrell & Jimmy D (2.18.2021)

Jimmy D
7 min readFeb 18, 2021


Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of EOSIO Weekly Update.

This week for EOSIO Weekly Update Corey & Jimmy D will be joined by fellow socialite Jacques Whales of Discussions App. Jacques and his team have been working hard on their EOSIO based social platform and have quite a few updates both completed and in the works to share with us. Of course, it’s almost a sure things that we will get off topic and take a gander into all that has been going on the broader blockchain and crypto spaces and EOSIO space in general. In fact, for some of the most recent events which may or may not come up Live, don’t forget to check below for a whole host of featured new articles, selected Tweets, recent videos, and a plethora of updates from projects we are closely associated with and then some.

Catch all action LIVE on our official theUplifters YouTube channel at 9am EST, Thursday February 18th, 2021!

Featured News

This Week on Twitter


Featured Weekly Videos

The Uplift Minecraft World Comes Alive


The Uplift Minecraft World Videos


Coming Up On with Corey Cottrell & Jimmy D

Friday, February 19th

Weekly Round Up

In addition, every weekend we have put together a brief Weekly RoundUp post of the last weeks videos and included new and relevant information alongside the links to the video recap. If you missed it you can check out all last weeks roundup below.

And should you wish to aid and abed us in our mission to touch base with the world and keep people informed, please follow, like, subscribe, or whatever the million other social whack-a-mole holes have tagged in their buzz phrases.

And as for the when and where, well, as always we’ll be LIVE at 9 AM EST every weekday Monday through Friday, and streamed on our official YouTube channel. Of course should you find yourself in a bind that early (or late depending upon where you may be, so long as you hit those subscribe and bell notification buttons you shan’t miss a beat.

With that in mind then, please do come live when you can as we love interacting with those like you, but should you miss an episode or two no worries as our Weekly Roundup complete with descriptors and video links right here on Medium will have you covered.

Of course there is no obligation, but another way to support our mission towards enlightening the world with our content for them to devour, then you can do that too with tips currently to the following links.

  • WAX & WAX based NFT’s: 5ssqy.wam
  • EOS & EOS based tokens: eosioweeklye
  • Telos: eosioweeklyt

With both this weeks semantics and mechanics out of the way then, do keep it real and happy trails skipping down the blockchain road to new and exciting future destinations ;D



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