EOSIO Weekly Roundup (January 18th~22nd, 2021)

Jimmy D
5 min readJan 22, 2021


EOSIO Weekly is a series co-hosted by Corey Cottrell and Jimmy D in an effort to bring together the community and what is happening beneath the surface of all things EOSIO and the broader crypto space. For a complete overview of all last weeks action simply check below.

Monday, January 18th

For our first ever BP & Chill episode, EOSIO Weekly welcomed Michael of EOS USA. It was great to get a rundown of all the slices of the space they are involved in.

Should you wish to go above and beyond we suggest you check out the GenerEOS GenPool Spotlight interview at https://www.genereos.io/genpool-spotlight-series-eosusa/

You can also learn more and connect with EOSUSA directly at the following locations:

Tuesday, January 19th

Too humble to admit that what Jona and his co-founder in Pink.Network & Atomic Assets Fabian have done, this was a great chance for us here at EOSIO Weekly to introduce the man behind the greatness to the world at large.

The parallel of Atomic.hub being the Binance of the new standard when it comes to NFT collectibles on WAX was if anything an understatement. Was great to have a chance to sit down in casualness and hear Jona’s stories of origins and inception for all the amazing things he has done in such a short time in this very new but increasingly relevant space.

Wednesday, January 20th

Could you think of anything better than just chillin’ and telling stories about the old days when Bitcoin and crypto was novel and new. Well, actually yes. How about doing that with the one and only Kenn Bosak whilst having a guided paddle boat tour round the lands of ‘The Uplift’ checking out the Cathedral, some underground and cliff side houses, and a sweet looking river now that the canal has been built.

Honestly, this was as close to real time chillin’ with a bro out and about in the majesticness of nature as people on the opposite side of the world can currently get. And we’ve barely even just scratched the surface with both ‘The Uplift’ and Kenn. Thanks for joining us, and so cannot wait to do it again.

In the mean time head on over to KennBosak.com to keep up to date on all the goodness below the original Bitcoin Bro currently partakes in alongside so much more.


Thursday, January 21st

Although the original plan was to go live with Matt Haynes of Costa Rica Crypto, unfortunately he had some minor issues which meant we had to delay the planned talks on EOSIO, Polkadot, and Ethereum deep dive and contrasts we had planned. Instead however, we interrupted the scheduled programming to dive deep into some issues we have been pondering regarding EOS FUD, keeping old and new users alike safe from $hit scammers, potential ramifications of adoption on price or not, and just a general all around good time interacting with those of you that jump on in and join us for the fun. You guys are all awesome and we appreciate each and every one of you. Do take care of yourselves until that time again when we have the pleasure to backflip into the madness together with new found friends.

Friday, January 22nd

Great sit down with Bonz Manifest for an introduction and walk through of the new Prospectors Eagle land on WAX.io. It was so cool to see it all in action it was pretty much decided on the spot that some form of community alliance would have to be formed, so that is just what we are going to do. Should you wish to join us hop on over to the Prospectors Chirp channel (https://chirp.la/channels/Prospectors) and get in touch.

It is also very almost a given that for the next almost 2 months that we will be joined by Bonz for some in-game updates, but in the meantime, have a gander at the release article below and feel free to ask any questions in the Prospectors Chirp channel above.

Coming Up Next Week on EOSIO Weekly

Everyday from Monday to Friday one of our premiere segments goes live at 9:00 am EST. Set your calendars to tune in live or catch the playback for those that interest you this upcoming week.

And for those wanting to join us live, be sure to subscribe to our EOSIO Weekly Update YouToube channel and hit that notifications button so you don’t miss any of the daily madness.

Also you can connect with us on https://chirp.la/channels/EOSIOweekly, via email, and through our personal social media outlets below.

And should you wish to support us on this mission towards bringing all this amazing content and people into better spotlight for the world to devour, then you can do that too with tips to the links below.

  • WAX & WAX based NFT’s: 5ssqy.wam
  • EOS & EOS based tokens: eosioweeklye
  • Telos: eosioweeklyt

Of course there is no obligation, but it is always appreciated. In addition, as we mostly do this to aid in our own understanding and passions in our free time, we do entertain those who might like to sponsor us for future episodes. However we will stress that we don’t just grab money from anyone — so if you think that you might have something we would be down with sharing with our audience, please do reach out to us at eosioupdate@gmail.com

And with that then, it is time for us to bid you farewell for this week. And until next we have the pleasure of crossing paths once again, do keep it real and happy trails skipping down the blockchain road to new and exciting future destinations ;D

